Building Resilient Democracy

Democracy Development Foundation’s
2023 Activity Report

The Democracy Development Foundation (DDF) aims to contribute to the advancement of democracy, security, and human rights in Armenia through supporting pro- democracy actors and creating partnerships based on shared values and expertise.

Why Are There No Armenians In Nagorno-Karabakh?
Fact-Finding Report Summary

“Why Are There No Armenians In Nagorno-Karabakh?” fact-finding report was jointly prepared by Freedom House, International Partnership for Human Rights, Democracy Development Foundation, Helsinki Citizens’ Assembly-Vanadzor, Protection of Rights without Borders NGO, Law Development and Protection Foundation, and Truth Hounds.​

“Civil Society for You”

CivilSociety4You project aims to amplify public awareness and appreciation of civil society's pivotal role in Armenian society The project's objectives are to empower a vibrant community of civil society actors, exercise convening power to foster robust alliances for local policy and international advocacy, and advocate for the rights and dignity of all Armenians.