The statement of a group of Armenian civil society organizations regarding the Armenia-EU visa liberalization process

We, the undersigned civil society organizations, welcome the start of the visa liberalization dialogue between the Republic of Armenia and the European Union. This important step underscores the deepening cooperation between Armenia and the European Union, reflecting the willingness of both sides to foster closer ties, expand mobility and advance universal values.

We express our willingness to support the implementation of commitments arising from this process through monitoring, policy development, public oversight, inclusive participation, and capacity building.

We propose that the Armenian government initiate broad discussions with active public participation in the near future to develop the priorities of the visa liberalization process. This will provide an opportunity to promote reforms in such priority areas as the fight against discrimination and gender-based violence, social justice, prevention of torture and ill-treatment, protection of environmental rights, increasing police accountability, access to health services for vulnerable groups, in accordance with Armenia’s international obligations.

For the smooth and effective implementation of the visa liberalization process, it is important for the state to organize and implement effective public communication to increase  awareness of Armenia’s obligations, to effectively counter misinformation, as well as to foster public support for the reforms.

We are ready to cooperate with the government, European institutions and other partners to ensure that the reforms are effective, inclusive and align with the aspirations of the Armenian people to build a more open and resilient society.

We call on all relevant parties to maintain a transparent and participatory approach throughout the visa liberalization process. Working together, we can ensure that this dialogue promotes free movement, fosters cooperation and lays the groundwork for a more prosperous and democratic Armenia within the European family.


Undersigned organizations

Partnership for Open Society

Democracy Development Foundation

Research Center on Security Policy

Analytical Centre on Globalisation and Regional Cooperation

Transparency International Anti-Corruption Center

Journalists’ Club “Asparez”

Union of Informed Citizens

”Real world, real people” NGO

Center for Rights Development NGO

Law Development and Protection Foundation

Protection of Rights Without Borderd NGO

Peace Dialogue NGO

Women’s Resource Center

Public Journalism Club

“For Equal Rights” NGO

”Disability rights agenda” NGO

Helsinki Citizens’ Assembly-Vanadzor