ARMENIA. JOINT submission by a Group of Civil Society Organizations to the UN Human Rights Council 49th Session of the Universal Periodic Review
This is a joint submission by a coalition of NGOs with extensive experience in monitoring, documenting and reporting human rights violations in Armenia. The report covers the areas of justice and anti-corruption reforms, protection of human rights defenders, prevention of torture and ill-treatment, right to life, combatting gender-based violence, freedom of assembly and expression, freedom of information, right to free elections, right to be free from discrimination, right to property, right to live in a healthy and safe environment, right to health and education. The report has been prepared following broad consultations with NGO partners and is based on the first-hand data collected during their monitoring and field work with the victims and beneficiaries. Preparation of the report was coordinated by the Democracy Development Foundation.
Since the last UPR review of Armenia in 2020, some serious advancement has been registered in honoring and protecting human rights in Armenia. The right to freedom of expression and freedom of media have substantially improved in practice. Armenia had another round of snap elections that were conducted in line with international standards. Armenia joined the Rome Statute of International Criminal Court and embarked on large-scale justice, and anti-corruption reforms. Nevertheless, civil society in Armenia continues to report about the lack of accountability for torture and ill-treatment, poor guarantees for the protection of the rights of LGBTQI, lack of accountability for non-combat death cases, lack of effective anti-discrimination legislation, etc.
Read more here.