“The mayor” game-questionnaire was launched with support of Democracy Development Foundation
With the support of the Democracy Development Foundation, the “Political Dialogue” NGO created and launched “The Mayor” game-questionnaire ahead of the elections to Yerevan Council of Elders.
“The mayor” is a questionnaire-tool, which helps to outline the most dominant urban ideologies ahead of the upcoming elections. The tool consists of 10 question-situations, the selection of which will allow to bring out the ideological approaches of those filling out the questionnaire regarding urban planning.
The questionnaire-instrument is developed based on the works of famous urbanists Robert Moses and Ian Gale, public activist Jane Jacobs, and urban theorists Henry Lefebvre and David Harvey. Developers are H. Vermishyan and A. Ghalamdaryan.
The questionnaire is available at the following link: https://mayor.political.am
The opinions and positions expressed in this questionnaire may not reflect the views and positions of “Political Dialogue” NGO and the Democracy Development Foundation.