With Support of the Embassy of France, DDF Launches “Solidarity for Human Rights and Democracy” Project

With the support of the Embassy of France in Armenia, the Democracy Development Foundation, along with two partner non-governmental organizations, is implementing the “Solidarity for Human Rights and Democracy” project. The project aims to provide opportunities for open and effective dialogue and cooperation between Russian and Ukrainian journalists, human rights activists, and civil society representatives residing in Armenia. To achieve

Protection of Rights Without Borders, NGO

Grant Amount: 32,328,768 AMD Purpose: In the framework of this project, Protection of Rights without Borders (PRWB), NGO will carry out monitoring of the justice sector reforms with the purpose of contributing to their integrity and increasing their effectiveness. In particular, the grantee will monitor the selection processes of candidates for judges, the disciplinary measures used in the judiciary, as

Helsinki Citizens’ Assembly – Vanadzor

Grant Amount: 41,458,465 AMD Purpose: The purpose of the project is to contribute to having effective, transparent, and accountable reforms in the law enforcement sector in Armenia. In this regard, Helsinki Citizens Assembly-Vanadzor (HCAV) will monitor the implementation process of the New Police Reform Strategy and its 2024-2026 Action Plan. The grantee will also contribute to strengthening the public oversight

Commit Global

Grant Amount: 50,340 EUR Purpose: The project aims to make relevant information about refugee needs more accessible both for NK refugees and agencies that work towards addressing their needs and upholding their rights. To this end, Commit Global will provide innovative digital solutions by establishing a user-friendly information platform and a needs map. This project is a part of the

Estonian Refugee Council Armenia

Grant Amount: 114,441,063 AMD Purpose: The project aims to encourage the civic participation of NK refugees in Armenia. In particular, it will establish four community councils across Armenia that will include displaced people from NK. Each of them will hold regular meetings with different stakeholders to make sure the voices of representatives of the displaced population are heard. Additionally, the

Coalition to Stop Violence against Women

Grant Amount: 104,438,484 AMD Purpose: The project aims to create support mechanisms for vulnerable groups within the population displaced from NK. It plans to introduce a set of activities that include creating safe spaces, providing consultations, carrying out awareness-raising, conducting capacity development for service providers, and carrying out assessments of services created for vulnerable groups. In this way, the project