DDF initiative delivers interactive performance on the prevention of school bullying to 400 students

Democracy Development Foundation and CommsHub Foundation supported the Theatre of Change cultural non-governmental organization in staging four performances on the prevention of school bullying for schools of the Ararat and Kotayk regions during March. “The Fall Fairy Tale: Three plus One Little Pigs” performance was watched by a total of 400 students, including children forcibly displaced from Nagorno-Karabakh. The performances

For Equal Rights NGO

Grant Amount: 4,261,180 AMD Purpose: The project is aimed at enhancing media literacy and resilience against disinformation within the communities of Armenia. The initiative will establish a dedicated Media and Information Literacy (MIL) learning hub in a selected community school in the Ararat region. This hub will serve as a center for training and education, where beneficiary teachers and students

A group of Armenian CSOs submitted recommendations to the Ministry of Internal Affairs for police new reform strategy

At the initiative of the Democracy Development Foundation (DDF), over a dozen civil society organizations developed and submitted to the Republic of Armenia Ministry of Internal Affairs a package of recommendations for the developing Armenia police new reform strategy and 2024-2026 action plan. The package of recommendations includes several sectoral issues mapped by the civil society organizations, which were raised

The Project on “Social Justice and Ethical Norms in Schools” is Launched

The Democracy Development Foundation and the Education and Solidarity Trade Union are implementing a project on “Social Justice and Ethical Norms in Schools” supported by the Embassy of Estonia in Armenia. The goal of the project is to examine ethical issues in the schools from the social justice perspective and to promote the application of appropriate integrity norms in general

Helsinki Citizens’ Assembly – Vanadzor

Grant Amount: 21,492,787 AMD Purpose: The purpose of the project is to contribute to having effective, transparent, and accountable reforms in the justice sector in Armenia. Helsinki Citizens Assembly-Vanadzor will carry out extensive monitoring of court hearings and proceedings in order to make a substantiated assessment of the work of judicial actors. The grantee will also continue the monitor of

Union of Informed Citizens, NGO

Grant Amount: 20,190,500 AMD Purpose: The project aims to contribute to fighting disinformation targeting key areas such as democratization reforms, human rights, peace and security, and civic participation. For this purpose, the initiative will carry out extensive monitoring of the information flow in Armenia, conduct fact-checking, and publish investigative materials, evaluating the validity of different information pieces with an unbiased and impartial

Helsinki Citizens’ Assembly – Vanadzor

Grant Amount: 20,000,000 AMD Purpose: The project aims to support protection and promotion of human rights and fundamental freedoms, strengthen evidence-based advocacy around human rights protection, justice, and other reforms, as well as expand and sustain public engagement with the reforms.

Region, Research Center, NGO

Grant Amount: 5,333,000 AMD Purpose: The project’s primary objective is to contribute to sustainable and human rights-based peacebuilding efforts through researching the extent to which the current Armenian-Azerbaijani context is utilized during the 2024 presidential elections in Azerbaijan and Russia. The project will specifically investigate the narratives presented by candidates, public and political figures, and expert communities from both countries

Peace Dialogue NGO

Grant Amount: 15,520,000 AMD Purpose: The project aims to improve the human rights situation in the armed forces of Armenia through strengthening the public oversight over development and implementation of state policies and providing policy recommendations around the systemic problems.

Public Journalism Club

Grant Amount: 9,700,000 AMD Purpose: The grant aims to support the Media Center platform to promote critical discourse on urgent issues in Armenia through open panels, interviews, press-conferences, and other live public events. The project will illustrate the position of civil society on the urgent reforms, as well as provide deeper insight into the need for the protection of human