The European Union Launches New Civil Society Actions to Support Refugees in Armenia

On 23 January 2025, the European Union Delegation to Armenia announced the launch of three new projects designed to address the needs of refugees from Nagorno Karabakh. These initiatives, implemented by local and international civil society organizations (CSOs), demonstrate the EU’s ongoing commitment to fostering economic integration, promoting social inclusion, and safeguarding the fundamental rights of refugees. The “Human Rights

“Armenia and the ICC: What’s Next After Ratifying the Rome Statute?” roundtable discussion

In 2023 Armenia ratified the Rome Statute, becoming the 124th State Party to the International Criminal Court (ICC) on 1 February 2024. This landmark decision, reached after a complex ratification procedure initiated in 1999 when Armenia signed the Rome Statute, could be key to strengthening accountability, achieving justice, and contributing to lasting peace in the region. On 5 November the

Public discussion of the draft police reform strategy

On July 18, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Armenia (MIA) and Democracy Development Foundation organized a public discussion on the draft police reform strategy and its 2024-2026 Action Plan. Around 50 representatives, including the police leadership, state bodies and agencies, international organizations, and non-governmental and human rights organizations, attended the discussion. Before this public discussion, a

E-health system issues discussed with the participation of specialists and NGOs

The e-health system is an integrated system for managing health data, where comprehensive public health data is entered and stored. The system enables the attending doctor, whenever necessary, to electronically view the patient’s health history and to make informed decisions regarding their treatment. Starting from 2017, all medical services provided with government financing or on concessional terms have been channeled

Launch of a three-year project on mental health

A new three-year initiative on improvement of mental health has kicked-off on April 16 in Yerevan. The main objective of the EU funded “Rights, Services, Participation: Fostering a Comprehensive Mental Health Framework in Armenia” project is to support the development of a legal framework necessary for provision of accessible and inclusive mental health services, the introduction of     mechanisms and the

DDF supported the screening of the “Inside War” documentary in Yerevan

On March 27 the “Inside War” documentary featuring the story of the Russian-Ukrainian war was screened in Yerevan with support of the Democracy Development Foundation and in cooperation with “Aliq Media Armenia“. Tigran Paskevichyan, director and screenwriter, who produced the movie, spent two weeks with the Factum Center in Kharkov, Dnepr, Donetsk provinces of Ukraine and its capital Kiev filming

Efforts to elaborate a new strategy for police reforms kickstarted with a discussion with civil society organizations

On 22 December 2023, under the “Integrity of Justice Reforms” project, the Democracy Development Foundation and the Helsinki Citizens’ Assembly Vanadzor Office organized a Workshop for the Development of the Republic of Armenia Police New Reform Strategy and 2024-2026 Action Plan. The discussion was attended by Arpine Sargsyan, Deputy Interior Minister, advocates, and representatives of the Interior Ministry, the Office

Discussion organized by the Democracy Development Foundation and Armenia’s Interior Ministry about civilian oversight in places for holding arrested persons

Last week, the Democracy Development Foundation organized jointly with the Republic of Armenia Interior Ministry, and with the participation of civil society and stakeholders representatives, a workshop on The Activities of Civilian Oversight Mechanisms and Public Observer Groups in Places for Holding Arrested Persons. The goal of the event was to discuss issues related to the activities of public observers

Presenting the achievements of the European Media Facility in Armenia project

On 27 November, the “European Media Facility in Armenia – Building Sustainable and Professional Media in Armenia” project’s achievements were presented at the project closing event and award ceremony the students participating in the project. The three-year project was implemented by the Deutsche Welle Akademie, BBC Media Action, the Democracy Development Foundation, Hetq Investigative Journalists NGO, and Factor TV, with

DDF and On Think Tanks organized a forum on the role of think tanks in Armenia

On November 24 the Democracy Development Foundation (DDF) and its partner On Think Tanks (OTT) organized a specialist-led forum discussion on the role think tanks in policy development in Armenia. The purpose of the forum was to shed light on how expert communities, especially established research centers, can acquire more prevalence in generating policy-oriented and evidence-driven discourses concerning highly topical