Union of Informed Citizens, NGO

Grant Amount: 9,592,644 AMD Purpose: The project aims to contribute to combating disinformation related to domestic developments in Armenia and its relations with other countries through monitoring of the information flow, fact-checking, and publications. The initiative will produce materials that seek to address and debunk fake and manipulative narratives disseminated by various external and local sources, particularly focusing on harmful

Aliq Media Armenia, NGO

Grant Amount: 10,139,593 AMD Purpose: The project goal is to provide a media platform for journalists from the migrant communities to cover relevant issues in South Caucasus for Russian-speaking audiences and confront authoritarian propaganda and misinformation through fact-based media content. Within the project objectives, Lava Media, evolving from Aliq․Ru (Aliq Media’s Russian Edition), will produce a diverse array of content

Research Center on Security Policy, NGO

Grant Amount: 7,367,250 AMD Purpose: The project aims to promote the resilience, democracy and sovereignty of Armenia through enhancing diplomatic and civil society engagement around the national security issues, supporting the public policy with independent analysis, promoting objective coverage of issues of national importance in media.

“Civil Youth Center” Community Development NGO

Grant Amount: 1,940,800 AMD Purpose: The project aims to improve the effective management of public funds aimed at eliminating damages caused by floods in Tavush Marz in May 2024. In particular the project will help to increase the level of transparency and public accountability of local self-government bodies, to raise public awareness and community engagement in disaster risk management. The

Centre for Community Mobilization and Support, NGO

Grant Amount: 1,940,800 AMD Purpose: The goal of the project is to contribute to the elimination of the consequences of recent natural disaster in the settlements of Lori and Tavush regions, to highlight the invisible problems and ensure their wide publicity at the local and national levels through reports. Within the framework of the project, the “Voice of the Citizen”

“Emergency Channel” Informational NGO

Grant Amount: 1,940,800 AMD Purpose: “Resilient Tavush” project aims to increase the level of awareness and resilience of the population of Tavush region, particularly local NGOs, youth organizations and local self-government bodies, in the disaster risk management, especially after the last natural disaster that hit the region. Seminars on disaster risk management will be organized in the 4 enlarged communities

“Factor” Information Center, NGO

Grant Amount: 23,859,600 AMD Purpose: The project aims to support Factor.am media outlet to provide comprehensive analytical and impartial coverage of policy issues and citizens’ needs in Armenia. Factor.am will provide space for inclusive and informed debates and carry out its investigative reporting on the current critical issues with a focus on security, institutional reforms and protection of rights and

For Equal Rights NGO

Grant Amount: 4,261,180 AMD Purpose: The project is aimed at enhancing media literacy and resilience against disinformation within the communities of Armenia. The initiative will establish a dedicated Media and Information Literacy (MIL) learning hub in a selected community school in the Ararat region. This hub will serve as a center for training and education, where beneficiary teachers and students

Helsinki Citizens’ Assembly – Vanadzor

Grant Amount: 20,000,000 AMD Purpose: The project aims to support protection and promotion of human rights and fundamental freedoms, strengthen evidence-based advocacy around human rights protection, justice, and other reforms, as well as expand and sustain public engagement with the reforms.

Peace Dialogue NGO

Grant Amount: 15,520,000 AMD Purpose: The project aims to improve the human rights situation in the armed forces of Armenia through strengthening the public oversight over development and implementation of state policies and providing policy recommendations around the systemic problems.