Human Rights

    Grant Amount: 27,940,512 AMD

    Purpose: The aim of the project is to support protection of rights of refugees displaced from Nagorno Karabakh through provision of legal aid.

    Grant Amount: 41,458,465 AMD

    Purpose: The purpose of the project is to contribute to having effective, transparent, and accountable reforms in the law enforcement sector in Armenia. In this regard, Helsinki Citizens Assembly-Vanadzor (HCAV) will monitor the implementation process of the New Police Reform Strategy and its 2024-2026 Action Plan. The grantee will also contribute to strengthening the public oversight of police detention facilities.

    Grant Amount: 50,340 EUR

    Purpose: The project aims to make relevant information about refugee needs more accessible both for NK refugees and agencies that work towards addressing their needs and upholding their rights. To this end, Commit Global will provide innovative digital solutions by establishing a user-friendly information platform and a needs map. This project is a part of the European Union-funded 36-month-long project named “Human Rights for and with Refugees,” which is implemented by the Democracy Development Foundation, the Estonian Refugee Council, Commit Global, and the Coalition to Stop Violence against Women.

    Grant Amount: 114,441,063 AMD

    Purpose: The project aims to encourage the civic participation of NK refugees in Armenia. In particular, it will establish four community councils across Armenia that will include displaced people from NK. Each of them will hold regular meetings with different stakeholders to make sure the voices of representatives of the displaced population are heard. Additionally, the initiative will establish comprehensive support mechanisms for vulnerable groups within the refugee population that will include capacity development and livelihood support. This project is a part of the European Union-funded 36-month-long project named “Human Rights for and with Refugees,” which is implemented by the Democracy Development Foundation, the Estonian Refugee Council, Commit Global, and the Coalition to Stop Violence against Women․

    Grant Amount: 104,438,484 AMD

    Purpose: The project aims to create support mechanisms for vulnerable groups within the population displaced from NK. It plans to introduce a set of activities that include creating safe spaces, providing consultations, carrying out awareness-raising, conducting capacity development for service providers, and carrying out assessments of services created for vulnerable groups. In this way, the project aims to create a safer and more supportive environment for people in vulnerable conditions who have been displaced from NK. This project is a part of the European Union-funded 36-month-long project named “Human Rights for and with Refugees,” which is implemented by the Democracy Development Foundation, the Estonian Refugee Council, Commit Global, and the Coalition to Stop Violence against Women.

    Grant Amount: 20,000,000 AMD

    Purpose: The project aims to support protection and promotion of human rights and fundamental freedoms, strengthen evidence-based advocacy around human rights protection, justice, and other reforms, as well as expand and sustain public engagement with the reforms.

    Grant Amount: 15,520,000 AMD

    Purpose: The project aims to improve the human rights situation in the armed forces of Armenia through strengthening the public oversight over development and implementation of state policies and providing policy recommendations around the systemic problems.

    Grant Amount: 7,760,000 AMD

    Purpose: The aim of the project is to improve access of patients with life-limiting diseases to palliative care services and essential medication through monitoring visits to policlinics to document rights violations, organizing training sessions to develop palliative care advocacy skills among health care providers, collaborating with media to share the information among general public about the importance of pain management and palliative care․ Recommendations will be developed and presented to the RA Ministry of Health to improve the quality of palliative care services in Armenia.

    Grant Amount: 2,515,370 AMD

    Purpose: The project aims to shape the public agenda on the need to promote anti-discrimination legislation, counter the discriminatory narrative by promoting a narrative of equality, inclusion, and solidarity, as well as mobilize discriminated groups and supporters in the fight against discrimination. To this end, Non-Discrimination and Equality Coalition will implement “Havasar” public campaign. Within the campaign the Coalition plans to revise its communications channels according to the newly defined target audiences and communication goals. In particular, the primary target audiences of the Coalition are the discriminated groups and professional communities.

    Grant Amount: 8,334,690 AMD

    Purpose: The project aims to protect the rights of inmates in the penitentiary institutions conducting systemic independent monitoring, reporting the violations, raising public awareness around the problems and cooperating with the Ministry of Justice around policy solutions.